July 10, 2003

Dear Jack,

Well, Big Brother 4 started this week and I felt compelled to pick a favorite. Guess what? You're it! As the oldest male in the house you've got a William Hurt thing going on which is cute and you've got a great voice. To top it off you're ex-FBI which appeals to me because the Federal Bureau of Investigation is sexy, intriguing, full of dark subdued colors, nice looking people in well-made suits, shape-changing aliens and governmental cover ups . . . okay, so my FBI exposure is limited to the X-Files. Is that so wrong? Educate me about that in the coming weeks, please.

So, Jack. I hope we can have a nice time together, and that you don't get voted off too quickly. I haven't seen much of the live feeds yet but I've read you wash your hands after using the bathroom. That's a good thing! I'll just hold my judgment with regard to the impression some have about you being a pervo who stakes out the shower area when the girls are using it. And that thing someone said about you being boring. I'm ignoring that too. I'll just let you prove them all wrong!


P.S. I am not a stalker.


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